2nd day as intern at SVT, (TVstation). Don't Jerk Off and Drive.

It started with a meeting with the crew. Then me, Ronnie and Peder drove to Kalmar, 2h car drive. We ate first, and they only had one thing for vegetarians, Moussaka,
the worst shit i've ever tasted, do you like it?, it costed me like 14$, it wasn't worth it.
Anyways, Then we went to KalmarSalen and that's where we Filmed and interviewed, one of the persons we interviewed was Nancy Cohen.
On the way home from Kalmar we listened,  to the news. There had been a car accident, the fault was a german truck driver who had been masturbating while driving, so to you all, not only is it Don't Drink and Drive, it's now also Don't Jerk Off and Drive. We also heard that there is now a medicin for HIV, 33% chance it'll work, correct me if i'm wrong.
After all that was done we drove to Växjö again, and started the editing. The thing we were filming and interviewing about was bout Babys, they are more smart than we think, and we can communicate with them if we know how to. it'll be on tv 19.15.
Here are pic from today and yesterday. (click on them for big pic)


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